Why is a massage especially important in autumn?

Saying goodbye to the warm and sunny days is probably difficult for most of us. Because now begins the time of cool, rainy and stormy weather.

Colds are the result; the immune system shows itself more susceptible, and mood swings occur more frequently.

Autumn massages

Many of the known effects of a professional Ayurvedic massage are especially beneficial during this time of year:

  • Strengthening of the body’s immune defenses
  • Reduction of physical tension
  • Stress reduction
  • Promotion of blood circulation
  • Increase of the efficiency
  • Prevention or alleviation of mental tensions

Treat yourself to an Ayurvedic massage to start the autumn well prepared! Autumn massages are the ideal health prophylaxis to stay physically and mentally fit.

Detailed information about Ayurvedic massages can be found here.