What is so Ayurvedic about Ayurvedic massages?

Some people think that different massage techniques are used in Ayurvedic massage than in classical massage. This is not the case.

The big difference lies in the quality of the massage oil used. Ideally, only high-quality oils are used in Ayurvedic massage.

I use massage oils from Santulan Ayurveda in India. They are produced according to ancient Ayurvedic tradition – without compromising on the quality of the ingredients used and the elaborate production process.

They are designed to fulfil a therapeutic function. The oil is not only well absorbed by the skin, but also penetrates into deeper layers of tissue, including muscle and nerve tissue. Even the skeleton is positively influenced.

So it’s about more than just slipping on and smelling nice.

You can find even more information about Ayurvedic massages here ➡️